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Slalom Ski League


New in 2017, the goal of the Dubuque Water Sports Club Slalom Ski League is to promote friendly competition among slalom skiers of all ages and abilities.  A handicapping system will be in place to help make all levels of skiers competitive and reward improvement throughout the season. (Hint: kids and beginners will do well with this format!)


  1. The Honor System is in effect.

  2. One scored pass is required each ski week.  Ski weeks will run from Saturday through Friday. The season is 8 weeks; therefore 8 scores need to be registered.

  3. A scoring pass is counted as long as the skier’s score is verifiable by another person.

  4. A scored pass may be obtained during any ski session.

  5. Rounds from outside tournaments will be allowed.

  6. If, for any reason, you are not able to turn in a scored round for a given week of competition, you will be given a score equal to your last skied round minus 4 buoys.  This is possible for 2 weeks only.  On the 3rd and any subsequent weeks of “no scored round” you will receive 0 points for the week.

  7. Weekly scores should be submitted to Jennifer Shekleton in writing (by hand, email or text) no later than 8PM on Friday of the scoring week.

  8. Cost to join the league is a one-time fee of $20 per skier to be paid to Jennifer Shekleton prior to the league start date, June 17, 2017 to cover the cost of prizes/awards.


Weather and river conditions permitting, the season will start Saturday, June 17th.  You will need to practice and obtain a personal best score to be used for handicapping purposes prior to the start date.  Scoring weeks will run from June 17th through August 11th. This is a total of 8 weeks of scoring.

There will be trophies handed out at the end of the season.

The handicap system will be based on your personal best score prior to season start, minus 2 buoys.  Simply take this number and subtract it from 120 (the maximum buoy count for our league).


Click here for the Registration Form.


A full version of the rules can be found here.


Current Slalom Ski League Standings can be found here.

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